[Fsemc] Meeting scheduled: FSEMC Simulator Documentation Delivery Working Group

Scott Smith smitty at sae-itc.org
Tue Dec 30 07:34:09 EST 2014


The FSEMC welcomes you to the FSEMC Simulator Documentation Delivery (SDD) Working Group meeting.

The meeting is January 13-15, 2015, in Montreal, Canada.  FlightSafety International is hosting.

Meeting details can be found here: http://www.aviation-ia.com/events/SddAnnounce.pdf

Please FORWARD this invitation to the appropriate SME in your organization.

This meeting is intended to be a final, comprehensive review of ARINC Project Paper 446: Guidance for Flight Training Device Documentation Structure, Content, and Maintenance.
This standard will become the new requirement for newly purchased FSTDs and derivative lower lever devices, as well as for major updates of older devices.

A link for Draft 2 of ARINC Project Paper 446 can be found here: http://www.aviation-ia.com/fsemc/projects/sdd/index.html

Please let me know if there is anything you might need from me, I will be glad to assist.



Best regards,

Scott Smith
Principal Engineer

ARINC Industry Activities
An SAE ITC Industry Program
16701 Melford Blvd., Ste. 120
Bowie, MD 20715

o  +1.443.221.8372
e  smitty at sae-itc.org<mailto:smitty at sae-itc.org>

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