[KuBand] AEEC Fiber Optics Subcommittee (FOS) Online Meeting

Jose Godoy jose.godoy at sae-itc.org
Wed Mar 30 15:26:35 EDT 2022

Dear Ku-Band and Ka-Band Satellite Communications experts:

The AEEC Fiber Optics Subcommittee (FOS) has an online meeting scheduled for tomorrow, Thursday March 31st.
During the meeting fiber optics requirements and recommendations will be discussed.

Below is a copy of the Meeting invitation:

...The AEEC welcomes aviation professionals to participate in the Fiber Optics Subcommittee meeting:

March 31, 2022
1100 Eastern (US)

The meeting will continue work on:
APIM 21-006: Fiber Optics Active Device Interchangeability Guidance
                This project may result in draft supplements to ARINC 803 and ARINC 804.

Additionally, The FOS will discuss the work in APIM 20-001 by the KuKa (KSAT) Subcommittee and their need for a high-speed,
high-density interface system for guidance and specifications in ARINC Project Paper 792A: Multi-Modem Ku/Ka Satcom System with Fiber Optic Interfaces.

If there is anything you might need from me, please do not hesitate to ask. I will be happy to assist.

Thanks, Smitty...

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