[NIC] AEEC ARINC Specification 600 Working Group

Scott Smith Scott.Smith at sae-itc.org
Mon Mar 8 18:17:34 EST 2021

Good day,

The AEEC welcomes you to participate in the ARINC Specification 600 Working Group meeting this Wednesday.

The meeting will primarily focus on proposals from Radiall as errata or improvements intended for:
Supplement 21 to ARINC Specification 600: Air Transport Avionics Equipment Interfaces.

A secondary goal of the meeting is to collect input and comments directed to Airbus for their proposal for new Size connector set (Size 3 + Size 1 combined).

Information about the meeting can be found here:    https://www.aviation-ia.com/sites/default/files/media-files/600AnnounceMar21.pdf

If there is anything you might need from me, please do not hesitate to ask.



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